Sunday, December 19, 2010

Terhutang budi,Tergadai undi

"Kau ni,nak kerja dengan kerajaan,tapi beli buku-buku Nik Aziz" kata seseorang apabila melihat buku tentang Tuan Guru di atas meja saya. Buku itu bertajuk Sikap Saya:Rebah,Bangkit dan Terus Bangkit yang saya hadamkan dengan cukup lahap sekali.lazat.

Saya muak dengan kata-kata begitu.

"habis tu, aku kena baca buku pasal Najib?Oh Atau Rosmahkah?"saya jawab begitu dalam hati.Di mulut saya bidas juga elok-elok sampai dia diam.

Here's the thing. Kerajaan itu,seperti kita-kita juga.ia adalah PEKERJA. Pemimpin dibayar untuk berkhidmat untuk rakyat. jadi segala bakti dan sumbangannya APATAH LAGI DENGAN DUIT RAKYAT,itu kan sememangnya tugasnya?

ramai orang yang seolah-olah terhipnosi dengan sumbangan-sumbangan yang kerap disebut dalam Buletin Utama dengan perasmian itu perasmian ini ,projek-projek baru yang namanya mesti nak ada 1Malaysia.Setakat ni tidak pernah lagi kegagalan atau kepincangannya disebut dalam Buletin jam 8 itu.

Saya bukan nak kata apa,cuma,when it comes to memilih pemimpin,kita perlu berfikir,bukan sekadar atas dasar 'terhutang budi." 

Sebab kerajaan itu tugasnya memang memberi.Ia khadam.Sepatutnya lah kan.

Dan masalahnya ialah rakyat seolah-olah terikat .Mindanya dan juga mentalitinya. Semuanya tersekat. Tuan Guru adalah seorang ulama’,dan saya telah banyak membaca bukunya yang indah-indah dan lazat-lazat kandungannya. Penuh dengan peringatan tentang akhirat. Bukannya tentang masalah orang Melayu,Melayu dan Melayu yang tak akan bawa kita ke bulan pun.
 Dan kebanyakan buku-buku Tuan Guru itu BUKAN tentang politik.

Mahasiswa diikat.berjaga mulut.Penjawat am lebih robotik. menurut seperti brainwashed tanpa mahu berpikir.

Bersikap lebih terbuka bukan bermakna menentang kerajaan. Janganlah terlalu paranoid.Cuma semua orang sudah jadi semakin takut berfikir.bahaya.


Abu Haafidh said...

You're right! Many are so busy trying to go completely against the rulers in the name of Islam, but unfortunately the Niyyah should be followed up by the correct actions that has already been taught to us in the past. The best way to handle the situation we're facing with the government is by observng what the Salaf-us-Salleh did before us.

On the authority of Tameem ad-Daaree (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said:
"The Deen is Naseehah (Sincerity/Advice)." We (The companions) said: "For who?" The Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: "For Allaah, His book, His messenger, the leaders of the Muslims and their common folk." (Muslim)

On the authority of Abdillaah bin Mas'ood (may Allaah be pleased with him) on the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam):
"Three things that the heart of a Muslim will not despise: making the action sincerely for Allaah, advising the leaders of the Muslims, and holding fast to their jamaa'ah..." (Ibn Maajah, Authenticated by Imaam al-Albaanee may Allaah have mercy upon him)

Abu Nu'aym al-Asbahaanee (may Allaah have mercy upon him) said: "Whoever advises the leaders and the rulers is guided, and whoever decieves them is misguided and has transgressed the bounds."

The best way is to advise the leader in a secret/private manner that's between the leader and the one advising.

This is based upon that which is on the authority of I'yaad (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) said:
"Whoever wants to advise a sultaan (leader/ruler) with a matter, do not do it outwardly but let him take him by the hand and go into seclusion with him. If he accepts it from him then that (is good) and if not then he (the adviser) has fulfilled that which was upon him (to do)." (Musnad of Ahmad, as-Sunnah of Ibn Abee Aa'sim. Authenticated by al-Albaanee may Allaah have mercy upon him).

On the authority of Shaqeeq (may Allaah have mercy upon him) that it was said to Usaamah bin Zayd (may Allaah be pleased with them both): quote:
"Will you not enter upon Uthmaan (may Allaah be pleased with him) and talk to him?" So he (Usaamah bin Zayd) said: "Do you see that i don't talk to him except that I make you to hear (what I say to him)? By Allaah I have spoken to him in manner which was between me and him without opening an affair that I do not love to be the first one to open it."(Bukhaaree #3267)


Serikandi Islam izan said...

nasihah after nasihah have been given,akh.if they ever wante to listen,they woul've done it years ago. the best thing to do is change the government. i mean,if u can't change the way the government rules,change the government itself. we need to opt for those who uphold an fight for daulah islamiyah.not hedonisme and capitalisme.

akh,just wonder how much sin we would get by choosing a leader that brings threats to Islam compared to a leader that fights for islam?it's like we're helping 'mungkar'. Wallahua'lam


btw,those things i said,doesn't change the fact tht all u said is true.and fascinating indeed


btw,those things i said,doesn't change the fact tht all u said is true.and fascinating indeed

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